Hiking trails
The village hiking trails will take you through a natural area with a long history. This is where the former inhabitants of Åsen gathered firewood and let their animals graze. The land has since regrown into a mixed forest with several rare species of plants and animals, and part of the area is protected as a nature reserve.
Barbecuing areas and outdoor accommodation
Along the trails there are fireplaces and overnight accommodation. Permanent fireplaces are available by Timmerstugorna (log cabins), the nature station and Tuta spring, which also has wind shelters and privies that are free to use. The two log cabins Timmerstugorna have wood-burning heaters that can be rented for overnight stays, as well as privies.
Good to know!
- Wind shelters and fireplaces are free to use (bring your own firewood)
Overnight stays in Timmerstugorna can be booked on +46(0) 36-830 55 or at info@asensby.com - Åsen’s nature station is temporarily closed for upcoming renovation work
- There is limited disabled access. We recommend the first part of Utmarksleden trail to Åsen’s nature station, to which the trail follows an old forest road, approx. 2 km.
Wlake Utmarksleden trail
4,3 km
The trail follows a forest road down to Åsen’s nature station by the bird lake Ruppen. From there you can follow the paths through the forest and meadows back to Åsens By. You can stay the night in Timmerstugorna, which have heaters and outdoor barbecue areas and a privy.
At Tuta spring there is a wind shelter, barbecue area and privy, and at the nature station there is a barbecue area and privy. By Åsen’s nature station you can also make a detour to Åsens Utmark Nature Reserve. The route is about 1.3 km. Utmarksleden trail connects to the longer John Bauer trail towards Bunn.
Naturskogsleden trail
1,5 km + transport route*
Naturskogsleden trail runs through Åsens Utmark Nature Reserve where you travel on historic ground. These surroundings would once have been pastures, but the area has regrown over the years and the forest you see here now has been left untouched for a century. Some of the pine trees in the area are nearly 200 years old. Here you will also find Phellinus chrysoloma funghi, Goodyera Repens orchids and along the shoreline of lake Ruppen you can find booth Common tern and Whooper swan.
*The trail starts at Åsen Nature Station, about 2 km from the village center. Take a walk or take the car (drive around the village, not through!).
Hagmarksleden trail
1 km
Hagmarksleden trail will take you past ancient farmland and cultivation cairns that have provided people with food for thousands of years. Along the route there are opportunities to take a break in one our cosy log cabins. There is a barbecue area, benches to sit on and a privy.
Inägoleden trail
700 m
The croft Stora Åsaskogen, ‘Tutan’, dates back to the 18th century and consists of a cottage, barn, shed and earth cellar. The buildings were moved after the last tenant left in 1875, and the old barn now stands on the Haurida farmstead. Nearby is Tuta spring, where the groundwater reaches all the way to ground level. According to old legend it was a sacrificial spring.
To Tuta
Längd: 700 m + transport route*
The croft Stora Åsaskogen, ‘Tutan’, dates back to the 18th century and consists of a cottage, barn, shed and earth cellar. The buildings were moved after the last tenant left in 1875, and the old barn now stands on the Haurida farmstead. Nearby is Tuta spring, where the groundwater reaches all the way to ground level. According to old legend it was a sacrificial spring.
*The trail start 700 m from the village centre.
Please remember!
Visitors are free to walk along the roads and paths in Åsen’s pastures and meadows. However, you are not permitted to:
- Approach the animals
- Walk with dog in pastures where animals graze
- Let pets off the lead
- Walk on sown fields
- Walk on uncut meadows
- Dig up or pick plants or mushrooms
- Trap or collect insects or other animals
- Start fires outside the designated barbecue areas
- Drive or park within the reserve
- Camp or set up caravans/motorhomes outside the designated area beyond the reserve